

In most cultures protruded ears bring a sense of anxiety and discomfort to that person. It is ridiculed among children and youngsters. Correction of protruded ears is called Otoplasty.
This method is as old as the history of the cosmetic surgeries of the nose and face. This operation could be done at the clinic by means of local anesthetics. Generally, genetic predisposition plays a major role in this abnormality and about 60% of the otoplasty patients have positive family background.

The angle of the ear from the skull is around 15 to 20 degrees at its normal extent so an angle 40 degrees or more is abnormal. I hereby have to mention that around 85% of the ear growth is complete at the age of 3 and the cartilage growth is complete at the age of 5, so the best age for this standing operation is the sixth year of age, before the kid gets humiliated by others at the school.

The ultimate goal of otoplasty is to achieve permanent aesthetic results and re-establish the natural anatomy and the anatomic position in malformed noses.
This operation has very few side effects. The early side effects are pain and accumulation of blood which could be prevented by appropriate dressing and proper drainage during the operation. The accumulation of blood is usually accompanied by pain and the blood has to be drained quickly and hemostasis should be maintained.

Late side effects could be the presence of pain and or scar. Otoplasty is an easy, standing and painless operation at the hands of experienced and skillful surgeons such as Dr.Kazemi which is advised to be taken in the lower ages.